With its Public Transport, Waste, Water, Electricity or Broadband Internet departments, Holding Graz safeguards the necessary primary services for the everyday life of the city’s residents. In particular the Covid-19 crisis has shown how important daily communication and information about the various departments of Holding Graz are. The expansion of digital channels, the professional answering of enquiries from the media and citizens as well as the more intensive collaboration with the majority shareholdings of Holding Graz make it necessary to improve the well-functioning processes further.
That is why with immediate effect two Group spokespersons will be responsible for the media work of Holding Graz. Sara Schmidt is a new Group spokesperson alongside Gerald Zaczek-Pichler, who in his tried and tested manner is taking over the daily answering of media queries and in future also the management of the press work of the majority shareholdings. Sara Schmidt will expand and professionalise the proactive and crossmedial media work of Holding – this also includes the increased use of video productions and the exchange with online media. With this, Holding Graz is also aiming to offer its media partners, who themselves are increasingly providing multimedia content, with an improved service.
Whereas Gerald Zaczek-Pichler has been the contact person for media from all over Austria since 2008, Sara Schmidt started her career at Holding Graz in 2019. Up to now, she has been responsible in the Marketing department for the division communication with the lines and Infrastructure & Energy and for the implementation of campaigns. Previously she worked at the Graz management consulting company PANTARHEI ADVISORS. The graduate in German completed a Master’s degree in Public Communication at JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences in Graz parallel to her work responsibilities.
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