Here you can read selected posts by our influencers and find links to their Instagram profiles.
Carina Portenschlager & Lisa Portenschlager:The two sisters report from the area of “City centre & shopping” (Ankünder, retail & businesses in Graz city centre, hotel industry, Graz Vouchers, etc.)
Manuela Pucher: She focuses on the area of “City centre & cuisine” (food service, cuisine, city management, Graz Vouchers, etc.)
Katharina Hofmann: She writes about the area “Leisure” (facilities and services of Holding Graz Leisure, Schöckl, Castle Mountain, swimming pools, saunas, urban local recreation facilities as well as the Mur biotope, etc.)
Sebastian Zier: He reports on the areas “Public transport and individual mobility” (ticket offers, sales outlets, line bus stops, tim, Ride & Roll, “Graz Mobile” app, public transport services in general, etc.) and “Infrastructure and energy” (drinking water, waste water, waste separation, waste collection centres, urban space, green areas, municipal workshop, waste app, “Look at Graz” app, telecommunication, public WIFI, electricity, natural gas, district heating, I&E building sites, etc.).