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Dog parks

Graz is a dog-friendly city – after all, there are a whole number of spaces in our city specifically for dogs where they can run around and enjoy themselves.

A small white dog with its mouth open runs towards the camera across a green meadow.
Joe Caione on Unsplash

Please note:

Dogs in Graz must wear a muzzle or be kept on a lead in public places!

Dog zones and dog parks

Here your dog can run around and enjoy itself to its heart’s content!

Please note:

  • Dog parks are fenced-in, municipal playgrounds for dogs. Due to the statutory specifications, they must be fenced in because only then can dogs run around freely without a muzzle or lead. Please note that, as in any area of the city, dog excrement belongs in a “pooper scooper” bag without exception.
  • Dog zones are areas that are not fenced in and due to their location are suitable for dog walking. Please note that there is a statutory obligation to keep dogs on a lead in the dog zones and, as in any area of the city, dog excrement belongs in a “pooper scooper” bag without exception.
Dogs parks (fenced in - dogs do not have to be kept on a lead)
Dog zones (not fenced in - dogs must be kept on a lead)