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Gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of busi­ness

Here you will find our general terms and conditions of business, including the terms and conditions of carriage of Graz Linien.

Headquarters of Holding Graz at Andreas-Hofer-Platz from the outside
© Holding Graz/Jungwirth
Pas­sen­ger Ad­vi­so­ry Board Graz Lin­ien - ap­pli­cants
  • All citizens (over the age of 16) from Graz and the surrounding area are eligible to participate. Employees of Holding Graz or of companies owned or co-owned by Holding Graz are not permitted to participate.
  • The applicants grant their consent to the disclosed data being used by Holding Graz or companies owned or co-owned by Holding Graz for marketing purposes in a form in which they receive information about the scope of service of these companies by post or by mail.
  • Participants may revoke this consent at any time without giving reasons. The revocation must be done in writing, whereby it must be sent to Holding Graz by e-mail at the address [email protected] or by post.
Terms and con­di­tions of par­tic­i­pa­tion in com­pe­ti­tions

Here you can access the terms and conditions of participation in competitions:
