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Hold­ing Graz sets new spon­sor­ing pri­or­i­ties

They are, so to speak, the “red thread” for the implementation of all sponsoring activities at Holding Graz: These are the sponsoring guidelines that ensure the greatest possible transparency and uniform implementation across the entire municipal service company.

On the initiative of City Councillor for Participation Manfred Eber, Holding Graz has now adopted the guidelines, which have been adapted with new focal points, in the course of the ongoing further development of its sponsoring activities. Accordingly, the focus of the sponsoring projects of Holding Graz will in future be even more on the topics of social issues, sustainability (for example in the form of green events) as well as the promotion of women and young talent. Each sponsoring project will be examined and evaluated according to the criteria clearly defined in the guideline: As in the past, these include high coverage and interaction as well as opportunities for thematic integration of Holding products such as the climate ticket, Graz vouchers, but also offers such as car sharing tim for the purpose of sales promotion.

City Councillor for Participation Manfred Eber: “Sponsoring projects of Holding Graz will have an even stronger social character in the future. At the same time, we have asked Holding to allocate a part of the tickets, which are already raffled off for the people of Graz via popular raffles on Holding’s social media channels, directly to social institutions. In this way, we ensure that those people who don’t have it so easy in life can also attend cultural or sporting events.”

A total of around 1,400 tickets from sponsoring cooperations of Holding Graz were raffled off to the people of Graz via the Facebook and Instagram channels as well as Holding newsletters in the previous year.

Returns in the millions

Since many partners also use various services of Holding Graz, e.g. for the implementation of events in the city, considerable returns are generated for the company every year in the course of the sponsoring projects. These include, for example, services provided by Graz Linien in the form of public transport tickets, services provided by Stadtraum, Waste Management, Energie Graz or Citycom. In the previous year, the amount of return flows into Holding Graz was approximately 1.9 million euros.

Associations as strong sales partners

Richard Peer, Head of Marketing at Holding Graz: “Not least due to the massive promotion of Holding products through sponsoring, sales successes such as those of the climate ticket or the Graz vouchers are achieved. The download numbers of the Holding apps also increased by an average of 166 percent in the previous year. In addition, there is the social added value for women’s teams, junior teams and special-needs teams. Currently, Holding supports a total of 29 youth teams at Sturm, GAK and the 99ers, for example.”

Figures, data, facts:

  • In total, Holding Graz successfully handled 126 sponsoring projects in the previous year.
  • In addition to sales measures to increase turnover, sales and coverage, support in social and societal areas, the promotion of women and environmental protection are important focal points – such as the Caritas tag.werk, the Female Future Festival, the Special Needs team of SK Sturm or women’s teams in the sports of football, volleyball, handball, basketball and others.
  • A total of around 1,400 tickets from sponsoring cooperations of Holding Graz were raffled off to the people of Graz via the Facebook and Instagram channel as well as the Holding newsletter in the previous year.
  • Due to the successful sponsoring cooperations, sales of the Annual Pass Graz and the Climate Ticket Styria 2022 increased significantly: Around 1,000 more tickets were sold in the previous year than before the Corona pandemic in 2019, and around 56,000 tickets marked a new record for long-term tickets sold in 2022.
  • In the arts and culture sector, free admission to the houses of the Universalmuseum Joanneum as part of the Holding Advantage Club “My Bonus” was used around 12,500 times in the previous year.

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Holding Graz is also a sponsoring partner of the Graz Marathon.