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Urban Space

We ensure that people can move without hindrance, safely and in a clean and appealing environment in the streets, on the pavements, squares, bridges, on embankments and in public parks and green spaces.

Two street cleaning trucks spray water on the cobblestones in front of the Graz City Hall.
© Holding Graz/Droneberger

Our ser­vices for you

Schau auf Graz ("Look at Graz") app

With "Look at Graz" you yourself can ensure without much effort that the Graz cityscape becomes even more beautiful and cleaner!


The green living space of the residents of Graz attracts visitors with magnificent avenues and a whole lot of nature.


Boating, strolling, dining, “rolling” across the pond and climbing in the woods: All that is possible here!


One of the most beautiful and tranquil places in Graz with a fantastic view of large areas of the city.
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Video: Urban Space

Con­tact & how to find us

Urban Space

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 8 am – 4 pm
Friday: 8 am – 2 pm
Sturzgasse 5-7, 8020 Graz
More Information

Head of Di­vi­sion

Headshot of Burkhard Steurer wearing a suit and glasses.
© Holding Graz

Dipl.-WI (FH) Burkhard Steurer, MAS, MSc

Head of Urban Space division

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