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Pas­sen­ger Ad­vi­so­ry Board

From passengers for passengers – the Passenger Advisory Board is the platform for our customers.

Passers-by at the Graz Linien stop Hauptplatz
© Holding Graz/Kernasenko

Our tasks

We are the platform for your wishes, suggestions and complaints. Maximum customer friendliness, proximity to the customers and the ability to conduct dialogue – Graz Linien has set themselves all this as a goal.

Within the framework of the fulfilment of the quality requirements from the transport financing contract with the city of Graz and in an analogous way to the international and also national developments, such as at Wiener Linien, but also from our own motivation, the starting signal was given at Graz Linien as early as 2008 to set up a Passenger Advisory Board.

The Graz Linien Passenger Advisory Board

  • is independent
  • is the “voice” of the passengers
  • meets 3 – 4 times a year
  • collaborates closely with Graz Linien
  • comprises representative of all population groups.

We use all information channels so that we can meet the wishes of our passengers: customer concerns and complaints, own observations, your submissions on our website “Contact” and the online customer survey.

We discuss your concerns in a large group and develop projects to improve quality together with the persons responsible at Graz Linien. The coordination, keeping of minutes and the organisation is done by a spokesperson of the Passenger Advisory Board appointed by Graz Linien.

Our team

Our team is gladly available to you as a point of contact.

The setting up of the Graz Linien Passenger Advisory Board was a matter close to my heart. My high expectations have been entirely met up to now.

Dr. Jutta Hochstein (employee at Graz Linien responsible for the Passenger Advisory Board)


It is simply fun to be able to get something done for the passengers of Graz Linien with this ambitious team.

Dr. Alois Schützenhöfer


As somebody who always travels by public transport (even if not always on foot) in diverse life situations and circumstances , I would like to contribute observations and experiences from everyday life in a productive manner.

Mag.ª Stefanie Edler


Accessibility that is implemented at Graz Linien makes it possible for many people with disabilities to use the frequently only form of mobility that they have. I am pleased to support that.

Mag. Michael Culk (†13.12.2020)


In line with the motto “Out and about together”, I would like to be an active member of the Passenger Advisory Board and contribute to improving our daily co-existence with one another with my experiences and observations.

Sonja Koinig, MA


I use public transport on a daily basis and I would like to help to make the journey as pleasant as possible for everybody.

Dieter Kraut


For me as a passenger, the topics of “friendliness of the driver” and “cleanliness of the vehicles” are particularly important. With this in mind, I would also like to collaborate on the Passenger Advisory Board of Graz Linien.

Maria Janda


I would like to contribute to making public transport more attractive and to minimising current problems such as particulate matter through services that have a broad impact.

Mag.a. Kathrin Pallauf


Public transport should be there for everybody and I would also like to give a voice to, for instance, vulnerable people.

Ing. Lukas Kainz


With my children, I use public transport every day. That is why family friendliness is a matter very close to my heart at Graz Linien.

Mag.a.  Indre Kreciene


I travel a great deal on public transport, see a lot and am delighted as a member of the Passenger Advisory Board to be active in the team to bring about further improvements.

Lorenz Reichmann


Grazer public transport accompanies me every day, in both my professional and my private life. I am delighted to be able to collaborate in its further development.

Mag.a.  Simone Manhal 


As the holder of an annual ticket, I would like to support the Passenger Advisory Board with my ideas and suggestions.

Kristina Komar


I travel by public transport myself every day and I would like to have more consideration for others on the bus and tram.

Christian Iovtchev

Photo of the Passenger Advisory Board

From left to right:

Mag.ª. Indre Kreciene, Robert Posch (Graz Linien), Sonja Koinig, MA, Dieter Kraut, Ing. Lukas Kainz, Lorenz Reichmann, Dr. Jutta Hochstein (Graz Linien), Dr. Alois Schützenhöfer, Maria Janda, Mag.ª Stefanie Edler, Mag.ª. Simone Manhal, Mag.ª. Kathrin Pallauf, Kristina Komar

Front: Mag. Michael Culk (†13.12.2020)

Not in picture: Christian Iovtchev

The team of the Graz Linien Passenger Advisory Board
© Holding Graz

How you can contact us:

Send us an e-mail with your suggestions, wishes or complaints to!