Use the public transport for one year at a top price! Here you can find all information about the public transport tickets Graz annual ticket and KlimaTicket Steiermark Classic Graz.
This is the Graz annual ticket:
Our price hit! Thanks to a subsidy from the city of Graz (amount: 189 euros), people with their main residence in Graz can use our public transport for only 315 euros per year. The Graz annual ticket is only valid in zone 101 (Greater Graz).
In addition, there are a lot of “goodies” for owners of the Graz annual ticket!
The most important information about the Graz annual ticket at a glance:
Where is the card valid?
Who can buy it?
Is it transferable?
Where can you buy the card?
What benefits do owners enjoy?
This is how you protect the climate! With the Klimaticket Steiermark Classic Graz you can travel throughout Styria as cheaply as never before. Thanks to a subsidy from the city of Graz (amount: 108 euros), you can use the entire Styrian public transport system for only 480 euros per year!
In addition, there are lots of “goodies” for owners of the KlimaTicket Steiermark Classic Graz!
Where is the ticket valid?
Who can buy it?
Is it transferable?
Where can I buy the ticket?
What benefits do owners enjoy?
More info and FAQs about the KlimaTicket Steiermark Classic can be found here!