Most important shopping destination in the south

As every year, areas in 36 Austrian cities were scrutinised by the “Standort + Markt” institute together with the Austrian Retail Association. We present the most important figures for Graz here.
Our city centre management aims to increase footfall in the city centre and create an experience that promotes shopping and spending time in the heart of the city centre. Our city centre offers plenty of space for shopping and experiences – with a sales area of 168,500 m², Graz city centre is the largest inner-city retail agglomeration outside Vienna, according to the latest study. In terms of the number of shops (953), our city centre also directly follows the centre of Vienna (1,428 shops) and is well ahead of Linz (788 shops).
The top locations (“A-location”) are at the foot of the Schlossberg around Hauptplatz, Herrengasse and the traditional department stores’ Kastner & Öhler in Sackstraße. The average shop size is very large, especially in A-locations, at 304 m², and is only surpassed by Vienna’s Mariahilfer Strasse (454 m²).
With a vacancy rate of 3.2 per cent of retail space, Graz performs better than the average of the cities surveyed.
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