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Top Tick­et for Stu­dents

The hit for students: The Top Ticket is a discounted public transport ticket for students and applies for all public transport throughout Styria.
187,00 €
Top Ticket for Students

The Top Ticket is a discounted public transport ticket for students. The ticket applies for all public transport throughout Styria (exception: Bus lines 311/321 to Vienna).

Where does the Top Ticket apply?

Throughout Styria

How long is the ticket valid for?

For one semester in each case. The Top Ticket for students is valid from September 1 to the end of February in the winter semester and from March 1 to the end of August in the summer semester.

Who is entitled to a Top Ticket for Students?

All persons who belong to a group of persons pursuant to Section 3 of the Study Support Act (“Studienförderungsgesetz”) and are not yet 26 on the first day of validity. The place of study must be in Styria. The following students are eligible for the ticket:

  • Ordinary students at a university
  • Ordinary students of courses at a university of applied sciences
  • Ordinary students at a teacher training college
  • Ordinary students at a music academy under public law
  • Ordinary students at a theological teaching institution after completion of a school-leaving examination
  • Students at medical technology academies and midwives’ colleges
  • Ordinary students at educational establishments that are accredited according to the provisions of the University Accreditation Act (UniAkkG) as private universities.

What does the ticket cost?

€ 179

Where do I get the Top Ticket for Students?

Via free app “GrazMobil”.

Please note that you must carry official ID with both the print ticket and the digital ticket in the app and must present it during a ticket check.

Additional sales outlets:

When you purchase your Top Ticket at one of these sales outlets, please take the following with you:

  • Passport photo
  • Student ID
  • Completed application incl. confirmation from the educational establishment
  • Confirmation of enrolment or 
  • confirmation of study place* (applies for all courses and the Study Centre of Joanneum University of Applied Sciences) 

 (* = only original confirmations are accepted, i.e. no “blank forms” with scanned signature and stamp of the university of applied sciences)  

What else is important?

The Top Ticket for Students is non-returnable. If a Top Ticket with a photo is lost, a replacement ticket will be issued on proof of the notification of loss and payment of a fee of 10 euros for the issuing of the replacement ticket.


GrazMobile app

With this app of Graz Linien you can buy all common tickets for the whole of Styria without cash (with credit card, instant bank transfer or debit card).