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Trav­el card for pupils and ap­pren­tices

ATTENTION: Sale only for the school/apprenticeship year 2023/2024 (valid from 1.9.). These tickets are valid for journeys to and from school or to and from the apprenticeship.
19,60 €

Information about the ticket:

The Schüler:innen-Ticket or the Lehrlings-Ticket is the “free travel pass” for all pupils or apprentices who regularly
travelling to school or their apprenticeship on public transport. A deductible of 19.60 euros must be paid per school year or apprenticeship year.
to pay.

Where is the ticket valid?

Within the Graz fare zone (101) for the route printed on the ticket. On this route, all available urban lines with one and two-digit line numbers may be used.

How long is the Schüler:innen-Ticket valid?

The ticket is valid throughout the school year on working days from Monday to Saturday. It is also valid during the “minor holidays” (Christmas, semester, Easter, autumn). The ticket is not valid on Sundays, public holidays and during the summer holidays. It is possible to upgrade to the Top Ticket at any time, even retrospectively.

How long is the apprentice ticket valid for?

The ticket is valid throughout the entire apprenticeship year on working days from Monday to Saturday. In individual cases – if required for the apprenticeship – the ticket is also valid on Sundays and public holidays (e.g. apprenticeship in the catering industry). It is possible to upgrade to the Top Ticket at any time, even retrospectively.

Who is entitled to the ticket?

All students and apprentices under the age of 24 are entitled to the ticket. They must receive the Austrian family allowance. Their main place of residence or school/apprenticeship must be in Styria.

Pupils must travel to school at least four days a week. The school must be a public school.
Apprentices must travel to the apprenticeship centre at least three days a week. Apprentices must be in a recognised apprenticeship relationship or participate in another form of training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act. Participants in the Voluntary Social Year and Environmental Year are also eligible.

Where can I get the ticket?

Online – or:

  • 1.) Get the order form: The order form can be obtained from the school or apprenticeship centre. It is also possible to download this form as a PDF below and print it out.
  • 2.) Fill in the order form and have it confirmed: The order form must be completed in full and the appropriate ticket ticked. The exact boarding stop at the place of residence and the alighting stop at the school must always be stated. In addition, the transport companies used and the routes must be entered. The completed form must then be confirmed by the school or training company.
  • 3.) Pay for the ticket: Either at the Mobility and Sales Centre at Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz – where you can also complete the 4th step – or at other issuing offices in Styria. Please keep the receipt of payment.
  • 4.) Receive your ticket: Finally, the confirmed order form, proof of payment and a current passport photo must be handed in, e.g. at the Mobility and Sales Centre. In most cases, the ticket will be given to you there as well.

You can find the application forms on our German page!