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Waschbetriebe Graz GmbH ensures absolutely clean commercial vehicles, buses and vans at two locations in and around Graz.

A white semi-trailer truck is being washed at a commercial truck wash.
© Waschbetriebe/Kernasenko

Our com­pa­ny

The company cleans vehicles outside using portal brush washing systems or with high-pressure jets. The intensive high-pressure washing in our three-brush portal washing system supplies reliable cleaning results for your commercial vehicles with a height of up to 4.2 metres and a length of 19 metres.

The more time-consuming tank interior cleaning is carried out with high-pressure rotation heads and, if necessary, by manual cleaning.


Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
Werndorf site (Gewerbepark 3, 8402 Werndorf): Monday to Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
Lagergasse 257, 8020 Graz