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Build­ing work and road main­te­nance

We are building for you, we are improving your infrastructure! Here you will find all the info about current building work. You will also find all the information about the tram expansion to Reininghaus and to the Smart City, including weekly updated construction previews.

Two construction workers with pickaxe and shovel stand on a track construction site of Graz Linien
© Holding Graz/Kleewein

All information on current construction sites can be found on the German version of this page!

Water management building work

With the expansion and the replacement of the drinking water and the waste water pipes, we are ensuring that the services in our city continue to work well.

Current building work (only in German)

Worker connects water pipes at construction site
© Holding Graz/Droneberger
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Ex­ca­va­tion pol­i­cy

The 2012 excavation policy of the city of Graz was adopted by the municipal council of the city of Graz on 20.09.2012 and has been valid ever since.

In addition to the 2012 excavation policy, the list of annexes with all standard cross-sections and new asphalt descriptions is also available to you as a download.