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City clean­ing

Our city cleaning team ensures that Graz stays clean and thus also safeguards the safety of all traffic participants.

Street sweeper sweeps away leaves at the roadside
© Holding Graz/Lupi Spuma

Our city clean­ing

The 190 employees cannot draw on assistance from machines everywhere; areas with a lot of corners and where there are lots of vehicles parked also have to be cleaned manually (114 employees) and 4,100 waste bins and 400 pooper-scooper bins have to be emptied.

In total, 5.3 million. mof public space and 2.4 million mof municipal green spaces have to be tended to. Twenty sweepers and 20 washing vehicles are in use. The total of the rubbish collected every year amounts to a total of 1,800 tonnes.

The asphalt areas on roads and squares of the Styrian provincial capital require daily maintenance and that goes far beyond the elimination of potholes.

Our employees are frequently on duty around the clock because, for instance, traffic conditions require that ground markings – these cover a total area of 56,000 mand 242,000 of running metres in Graz – have to be applied at night. The road maintenance department is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of more than 30,000 road signs and the care of more than 100 graves of honour and the monuments in Graz.

And of course our roads and squares are also cleaned at night.

We are on track!

In 2017, we started our cleanliness offensive in Graz. And as the result of the latest cleanliness measurement shows, our city has since become even cleaner. Whereas the figure in 2017 was still a good 9.3, it increased to 8.5 in 2018 and then even reached 7.5 in 2019 – a top mark in a European comparison!

The person who deals with cleanliness

The “OmPUTZmann” is not a virtual but rather a long-standing and experienced Holding employee. Thomas Hofer and his team investigate all indications that are received via our free-of-charge app “Schau auf Graz” (“Look at Graz”) and deal with the concerns immediately.

Our “OmPUTZmann” is also your point of contact when it comes to cleanliness and can be reached by phone on the number 0316 887 7373 and by e-mail at

Omputzmann Thomas Hofer with phone to his ear and with his cleanliness team at Karmeliterplatz
© Holding Graz/Lupi Spuma

Schau auf Graz ("Look at Graz") app

With "Look at Graz" you yourself can ensure without much effort that the Graz cityscape becomes even more beautiful and cleaner!

Main square is cleaned with water by two rinsing trucks
© Holding Graz/Droneberger
Omputzmann Thomas Hofer chats with driver of small waste transporter
© Holding Graz/Lupi Spuma
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