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Do­mes­tic sewer sys­tem

Do you own a property or do you want to build a house? Here you will find all the info relating to the topic of domestic sewer system – from connection and the price to cleaning.

A manhole cover in Graz, Austria, with the city's coat of arms and the inscription "Stadt Graz" (City of Graz).
© Holding Graz/Sommer


  • We are the hub and the contact person for the sewer system connection (approval for the connection, production of the branch pipe, consultations, etc. ..).
  • We are the representation of the city of Graz as the sewer system company and in the event of responses to the suitability of building plots
  • We also ensure the testing of domestic sewer systems and new connections to the public sewer system


What needs to be noted with a connection:

  • Every person who wants to construct a new building in Graz has to clarify the waste water disposal in the course of the construction procedure as a preliminary question. If a public sewer is available, a connection is mandatory.
  • This mandatory requirement for a connection also applies with the new construction of sewers for existing buildings.
  • Holding Graz Water Management division grants consent to the connection to the public sewer system.
  • Every person who discharges his or her waste water into the public sewer system must pay a one-off contribution to the sewer system. This contribution is also usually incurred with extensions to buildings.

The determination of the basic data (date incurred, number of WCs and determination of space) is carried out by the city of Graz buildings and facilities authority. Billing will be done by the municipal administration department for municipal charges.

The sewer fees can be found here!


What we can do when the sewer needs to be cleaned

Is your sewer contaminated?

  • To prevent deposits and blockages in the domestic sewer system, cleaning of domestic sewer systems is recommended and worthwhile.
  • Property owners can request rinsing vehicles to clean the domestic sewer system for a fee.



Cleaning of domestic sewers

1 hour of sewer high-pressure rinsing and suction vehicle incl. operations team

Monday to Thursday 6 a.m. – 2 p.m., Fridays 6 a.m. – 1 p.m:

  • € 243.49 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 172.42 (excl. VAT)

Monday to Thursday 2 pm – 10 pm, Fridays 1 pm – 10 pm, Saturdays 6 am – 10 pm:

  • € 202.91 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 202.91 (excl. VAT)

Monday to Friday 10 pm – 6 am, Fridays 1 pm – 10 pm, Saturdays 10 pm – midnight, Sundays and public holidays 0 am – midnight:

  • € 278.52 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 232.10 (excl. VAT)

An additional € 267.60 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 223.00 (excl. VAT) per cubic metre will be charged for the disposal of the sewer clearing waste (excluding problematic materials).

TV in­spec­tion

  • We look at your sewer – with a TV camera
  • Property owners who suspect defects in the domestic sewer system can have a TV inspection of the sewer system carried out for clarification.
  • Holding Graz Water Management division carries out underground examinations (condition assessment) of domestic sewer systems with sewer TV cameras for a fee.


1 hour of TV inspection vehicle incl. operations team; from pipe dimension 150mm

Monday to Thursday 6 a.m. – 2 p.m., Fridays 6 a.m. – 1 p.m:

  • € 243.49 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 172.42 (excl. VAT)

Monday to Thursday 2 pm – 10 pm, Fridays 1 pm – 10 pm, Saturdays 6 am – 10 pm:

  • € 202.91 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 202.91 (excl. VAT)

Monday to Friday 10 pm – 6 am, Fridays 1 pm – 10 pm, Saturdays 10 pm – midnight, Sundays and public holidays 0 am – midnight:

  • € 278.52 (incl. 20% VAT) or € 232.10 (excl. VAT)

Consultation times

Our employees will be pleased to advise you every Tuesday and Friday from 8 am - 12 noon

How to reach us

Contact information:

See our german site!