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Our wa­ter:
Nat­u­ral­ly good

Holding Graz provides the best drinking water around the clock. Pure refreshment – straight from the tap! Learn more here.

A young girl drinks from a glass water bottle outdoors on a sunny day.
© Holding Graz/Karelly

Gen­er­al water info

The most important information on drinking water in Graz at a glance!

  • Total length of the Graz water network? More than 1,400 km
    Total number of household connections in Graz? More than 33,000 customer installations
    Total number of customers supplied in Graz? 311.450
    Water consumption approx. per capita/year? 130 litres per capita and day x 365 days = 47,450 litres (More facts and figures on drinking water consumption can be found here!)

The route our drinking water takes until it reaches Graz is revealed in the folder below!

Drink­ing water qual­i­ty

Drinking water suppliers are food entrepreneurs and are obliged by law to continuously check the quality of the drinking water they distribute; this is done in their own accredited water laboratory. The drinking water in Graz is completely natural and not disinfected!

You can find more information here (only in German) and in the PDFs below. And there is also additional information on this page (also only in German)!

There for clean water around the clock!

Graz Water Management ensures that the “Graz water cycle”, from the extraction of groundwater to the supply of the Styrian capital with the best tap water, the transport of wastewater, the subsequent fully biological treatment of wastewater and the return to nature, functions around the clock every day. Our fault and emergency management is on standby 24 hours a day.

You will find detailed information below!


Our water videos

drinking water-Video

Competence centre water management

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 7 am – 3 pm
Friday: 7 am – 1 pm
Wasserwerkgasse 9-12, 8045 Graz
More Information