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Prices, fees & charges

What does our water cost, how high are the waste water fees and what other charges do I need to take into account as well? Here there are all the tariffs!

A close-up of water splashing in a pool, creating a crown of droplets.
© Unsplash/Samara Doole

Water prices

In the table you will find an overview of our prices.
Our price sheet below is also available as a download.



Euro excl. VATEuro incl. 10% VAT
Water price per m³2.502.75

Main­te­nance costs for con­nec­tion ser­vices per month

Maintenance costs for connection services per month

Diameter of the connection pipeEuro excl. VATEuro incl. 10% VAT
smaller than DIN 507.077.78
DIN 50 to DIN 10025.0527.56
DIN 125 to DIN 15050.0955.10
equal to or greater than DIN 200122.48134.73
Maintenance costs for hydrant standpipe per month76.6384.29
Deposit for hydrant standpipe1,000.00-

Re­im­burse­ment of costs for ad­di­tion­al ser­vices

Reimbursement of costs for additional services

Euro excl. VATEuro incl. 10% VAT
Interruption in supply141.97170.36
Putting deactivated systems/parts back into operation141.97170.36
Empty trip (e.g. customer not at home)42.4150.89
Hydrant information:
1st reminder180.70216.84
2nd reminder84.33101.20
Fee for postal cash instruction11.30-
Fee for postal investigation17.50-
Fee for duplicate invoice2.0102.52
* Putting deactivated systems may only be charged if such is caused by the same customer but not in the event of a change in customer.

Subject to error

Waste water fees & charges