Our services in connection with property drainage on your private or commercial land can be found here.
We are your point of contact for the disposal of your waste water with the areas:
Our employees will be pleased to advise you in person every Tuesday and Friday from 8 am until 12 noon.
Approval is required to set up and operate a small sewage treatment plant for the disposal of waste water.
This approval “under water law” must be applied for from the buildings and facilities authority as the responsible authority, whereupon the approval procedure will be initiated and dealt with. The technical assessment will be done by Holding Graz | Water Management division.
Owners of collecting pits or small sewage treatment plants can have the contents of the collecting pit removed by authorised waste disposal companies to the sewage treatment plant of the city of Graz.
Further information can be obtained from the province of Styria – FA 14 – waste water transport.
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