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Prop­er­ty drainage

Our services in connection with property drainage on your private or commercial land can be found here.

Close-up view of clear, blue water with ripples and light reflecting off the surface.
© Unsplash/Noah Usry



We are your point of contact for the disposal of your waste water with the areas:

You have questions on…

  • What does it cost? – contributions and fees
  • domestic waste water
  • operational waste water
  • small sewage treatment plants
  • blockages in the sewer system
  • What must not be put in the sewer system?
  • rattling sewer system lid

Con­sul­ta­tion times

Our employees will be pleased to advise you in person every Tuesday and Friday from 8 am until 12 noon.

Small sewage treat­ment plants

Approval is required to set up and operate a small sewage treatment plant for the disposal of waste water.

This approval “under water law” must be applied for from the buildings and facilities authority as the responsible authority, whereupon the approval procedure will be initiated and dealt with. The technical assessment will be done by Holding Graz | Water Management division.

Owners of collecting pits or small sewage treatment plants can have the contents of the collecting pit removed by authorised waste disposal companies to the sewage treatment plant of the city of Graz.

Further information can be obtained from the province of Styria – FA 14 – waste water transport.

Op­er­a­tional waste water


  • If waste water other than domestic waste water is produced at a company, the approval for the discharge of operational waste water is to be obtained. This approval is granted by Holding Graz | Water Management division on the basis of an indirect discharge contract under private law.
  • Those who discharge operational waste water whose quality deviates more than marginally from that of domestic waste water into a public sewer system are indirect dischargers pursuant to Section 32b of the 1959 Water Law Regulation in conjunction with the Indirect Discharger Regulation.
  • Indirect dischargers are obligated to give notification of the necessary data and to obtain the approval of the sewer system company. In Graz, the approval is issued by means of a contract under civil law. The basis for the indirect discharge contract is the terms and conditions of business with the tariff regulation.