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Sewage treat­ment plant of the city of Graz

Here you will find all the info about our sewage treatment plant in Graz-Gössendorf and on the disposal of grease separators.

Sewage treatment plant in Gössendorf near Graz, Austria, with large tanks and a reflecting pool in the foreground.
© Holding Graz/Fischer

Sewage treat­ment plant

  • Takeover of collecting pit contents: €4.40/m³ (incl. 10% VAT)
  • Takeover of fats, sludge from small sewage treatment plants, contents of mobile WC systems: €33.00/m³ (incl. 10% VAT)

The delivery can only be done via licensed companies.

Takeover times: Mon. – Fri., 7 am until 3 pm (working days)

The minimum volume accepted is 1m³.

Grease sep­a­ra­tors

  • Owners of grease separators can have the fat residues and flotation sludge removed by authorised waste disposal companies and taken to the sewage treatment plant of the city of Graz.

Sewage treat­ment plant