Information about our cadaster of all water and waste water pipes as well as sewer fees and indirect dischargers can be found here.
We keep a cadaster of the water and waste water pipes in Graz. This is a plan of the entire supply network (water pipe cadaster) and the public disposal network (sewer cadaster).
For this purpose, all new constructions and conversion are already measured in the course of the execution of the construction. Existing facilities are also measured concurrently. All facilities are administered in a digital geo information system (GIS) and kept up to date.
Extracts from the cadaster
Extracts from the cadaster can be obtained via our pipe information system or directly from our employees at Wasserwerkgasse 11.
Our waste water fees and charges at a glance:
Sewerage contribution
Sewerage utilisation fee
Waste water volume in cubic metres/day | Reimbursement of expenses for discharges that do not require approval under water law | Reimbursement of expenses for discharges that require approval under water law |
0 to 10 cubic metres | € 735,82 | € 1.471,65 |
more than 10 up to 100 | € 1.471,65 | € 1.471,65 |
more than 100 | € 2.943,30 | € 2.943,30 |
More tariffs on our german site!
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