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Water meter re­place­ment

All info regarding your water meter and a possible replacement can be found here.

A water meter with a reading of 2743715 m³, labelled "ewt 3 m³/h ÖR".
© Holding Graz

Water meter re­place­ment

All info at a glance

In connection with a replacement of a water meter, we refer to  Section 23 of the General Terms and Conditions of Supply for Water (AVB-Wasser):

(1) The customer has to provide a suitable place for the installation of the water meter in a niche or in a duct free of charge and must ensure that this place is accessible at all times without hindrance for agents of the water supply company.

(2) The customer is obligated to permit agents of the water supply company with due identification to access the water meter system and must ensure that the water meter can be read or replaced without hindrance. If access or a reading is not possible, the water supply company may bill the estimated consumption and may do so until the customer has eliminated the hindrances preventing access or a reading. Additional costs for several attempts to read or replace the meter which are culpably caused by the customer, in particular if agreed appointments are not complied with, may be billed to the customer.

Im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion!

The water meter is a measuring device that displays the volume of water that has passed through.

Pursuant to Section 15 of the Federal Act on Metrology and Verification, water meters must be replaced every five years.

Graz Water Management department carries out approx. 6,500 water meter replacements every year.

How to reach us

  • You can reach us by telephone from Monday to Thursday (workdays) from 7 am to 3 pm and on Friday from 7 am to 1 pm (workdays).
  • By public transport with Graz Linien: bus line 52, stop Wasserwerkgasse
  • Parking spaces are available on site
  • Barrier-free access to the customer centre

Com­pe­tence cen­tre water man­age­ment